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Our research focuses on theoretical quantum optics, especially, optical and x-ray photons interacting with atoms and nuclei. Please see this introduction article (in Chinese) for our research.

Annual spring dinner in Zhongli on 20th April 2023.

From left to right, first row:

Wei-Zhen Wang (王維楨), Yuan-Jie Qiu (邱媛婕), Wen-Te Liao (廖文德), Wu-Cheng Jiang (姜武誠), Chun-Yen Hsu (許竣硯), Yuan-Lung Lin (林沅龍)

second row:

Huai-Ze Xia (夏槐澤), You-Sheng Li (李又勝), Kevin Shi (施凱文), Gui-Huai Chen (陳珪淮), Shao-Yu Jian (簡劭宇), Chuan Cheng (鄭詮), Siang-Wei Shao (邵詳崴).

WTL@ NCU Physics

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