NCU Quantum Optics
National Central University, Taiwan
Invited Talks
"Gravitationally Sensitive Structured X-Ray Optics Using Nuclear Resonances",
IAMS Colloquium, IAMS Taipei (Taiwan), 19th December 2024.
"Synthetic Gauge Potentials for the Dark State Polaritons in Atomic Media",
CTCP Seminar, NYCU (Taiwan), 11th December 2024.
"Gravitationally Sensitive Structured X-Ray Optics Using Nuclear Resonances",
LPHYS’24,São Carlos (Brazil), 5th July 2024.
"Synthetic Gauge Potentials for the Dark State Polaritons in Atomic Media",
Physics Colloquium , NCKU (Taiwan), 8th March 2024.
"Gravitationally Sensitive Structured X-Ray Optics Using Nuclear Resonances",
PQE-2024, Snowbird Utah (USA), 11th January 2024.
"Gravitationally Sensitive Structured X-Ray Optics Using Nuclear Resonances",
2nd TLL Workshop “Coherent Optical Control of Atomic Systems", Vilnius (Lithuania), 6th July 2023.
"Gravitationally Sensitive Structured X-Ray Optics Using Nuclear Resonances",
LPHYS’23, online, 5th July 2023.
"Coherent Control of Nuclei: From X-Ray Spectral Enhancement to the Transient Nuclear Inversion",
PQE-2023, Snowbird Utah (USA), 9th January 2023.
"Transient nuclear inversion by X-Ray Free Electron Laser in a tapered x-ray waveguide",
LPHYS’22, online, 20th July 2022.
"Synthetic Gauge Potentials for the Dark State Polaritons in Atomic Media",
1st TLL Workshop “Coherent Optical Control of Atomic Systems", Riga (Latvia), 7th July 2022.
"Synthetic Gauge Potentials for the Dark State Polaritons in Atomic Media",
Joint Theoretical Physics and Astronomy Seminars, ITPA Vilnius university (Lithuania), 27th January 2022.
"Time-Delayed Magnetic Control and Narrowing of X-Ray Frequency Spectra in Two-Target Nuclear Forward Scattering",
PQE-2022, Snowbird Utah (USA), 10th January 2022.
"Synthetic Gauge Potentials for the Dark State Polaritons in Atomic Media",
2021 workshop on Quantum Science and Technology, online, 27th August 2021.
"Synthetic Gauge Potentials for the Dark State Polaritons in Atomic Media",
LPHYS’21, online, 22nd July 2021.
"Synthetic electric and magnetic fields for dark-state polaritons in electromagnetically induced transparency"
NTHU AMO Seminar, NTHU (Taiwan), 2nd November 2020.
"Spectral Control over γ-Ray Echo Memory",
TPS Annual Meeting 2020, NPTU (Taiwan), 5th February 2020.
"Control and Production of Nuclear Excitations, from Free Space to a Cladding X-Ray Waveguide",
PQE-2020, Snowbird Utah (USA), 8th January 2020.
"Spectral Control over γ-Ray Echo Memory",
LPHYS’19, Gyeongju (South Korea), 8th July 2019.
"Magnetic Control of X-Ray Spectra in Nuclear Forward Scattering",
LPHYS’19, Gyeongju (South Korea), 10th July 2019.
"Nuclear quantum memory of a single γ photon",
NTU Joint CQSE and CASTS Special Seminar, NTU (Taiwan), 24th May 2019.
"Nuclear quantum memory of a single γ photon",
NCKU QIS Seminar, NCKU (Taiwan), 20th May 2019.
"Gravitational and Relativistic Deflection of X-Ray Superradiance",
Physics colloquium , CYCU (Taiwan), May 2019.
"Introduction to X-ray quantum optics",
NSRRC colloquium , NSRRC (Taiwan), 4th December 2018.
"Generation of short hard X-ray pulses of tailored duration using a Mössbauer source",
Physics colloquium , NSYSU (Taiwan), 22th November 2018.
"Generation of short hard X-ray pulses of tailored duration using a Mössbauer source",
NCKU physics colloquium, NCKU (Taiwan), 16th November 2018.
"Generation of short hard X-ray pulses of tailored duration using a Mössbauer source",
3rd TLL workshop, NCTS (Taiwan), 14th October 2018.
"Gravitational and Relativistic Deflection of X-Ray Superradiance",
Special colloquium , XJTU (China), September 2018.
"Gravitational and Relativistic Deflection of X-Ray Superradiance",
Special colloquium , SNNU (China), September 2018.
"Setting a Disordered Password on a Photonic Memory",
Workshop on Quantum Science and Technology, Alishan (Taiwan), September 2018.
"Transition from Amplification of Spontaneous Emission to Superfluorescence in Swept Atomic Excitation",
LPHYS’18, Nottingham (UK), July 2018.
"Optimization of X-Ray Forward Echo",
LPHYS’18, Nottingham (UK), July 2018.
"Gravitational and Relativistic Deflection of X-Ray Superradiance",
Physics colloquium , NCTU (Taiwan), May 2018.
"Gravitational and Relativistic Deflection of X-Ray Superradiance",
Physics colloquium , NCHU (Taiwan), March 2018.
"Generation of short hard X-ray pulses of tailored duration using a Mössbauer source",
PQE-2018, Snowbird Utah (USA), January 2018.
"Transition from Amplification of Spontaneous Emission to Superfluorescence in an Atomic System Ionized by X-ray Free Electron Laser Pulses",
NTHU AMO Seminar, NTHU (Taiwan), November 2017.
"Generation of short hard X-ray pulses of tailored duration using a Mössbauer source",
Special Seminar, NCHU (Taiwan), November 2017.
"Generation of Short X-Ray Pulses from a Mössbauer Source Using Magnetic Switchings",
LPHYS’17, Kazan (Russia), July 2017.
"Setting a Disordered Password on a Photonic Memory",
LPHYS’17, Kazan (Russia), July 2017.
"Gravitational and Relativistic Deflection of X-Ray Superradiance",
Physics colloquium , NCCU (Taiwan), March 2017.
"Gravitational and Relativistic Deflection of X-Ray Superradiance",
Physics colloquium , NSYSU (Taiwan), March 2017.
"Setting a disordered password on a photonic memory",
PSROC spring meeting 2017, TKU (Taiwan), January 2017.
"The generation of short X-Ray pulses from a Mössbauer source using magnetic fields",
PQE-2017, Snowbird Utah (USA), January 2017.
"Setting a disordered password on a photonic memory",
Physics colloquium , CUHK (Hong Kong), November 2016.
"Disorder effects on optical echo memory & Introduction to x-ray quantum optics",
ECP1 Discussion Meeting, NCTS (Taiwan), August 2016.
"Disorder Induced High Fidelity of an Encrypted Broadband Photonic Memory",
LPHYS’16, Yerevan (Armenia), July 2016.
"X-ray superradiance in gravity & optomechanical interface between x-ray and optical photons",
Joint CQSE- CASTS Seminar, NTU (Taiwan), March 2016.
"Gravitational and Relativistic Deflection of X-Ray Superradiance",
PQE-2016, Snowbird Utah (USA), January 2016.
"Gravitational and Relativistic Deflection of X-Ray Superradiance",
Israel-Taiwan Workshop on Quantum Optics, Quantum Electronics, and Quantum Matters, NCTS (Taiwan), December 2015.
"X-ray superradiance in gravity & optomechanical interface between x-ray and optical photons",
NTNU HEP seminar, NTNU (Taiwan), December 2015.
"All-optical control of matter wave superradiance",
Workshop on Atom-Photon Interactions with Rydberg Atoms, Superradiance, or EIT, NCTS (Taiwan), November 2015.
"X-ray superradiance in gravity & optomechanical interface between x-ray and optical photons",
NTHU AMO Seminar, NTHU (Taiwan), November 2015.
"An optomechanical Interface between X-ray and Optical Photons",
NCKU QIS Seminar, NCKU (Taiwan), October 2015.
"All-optical control of matter wave superradiance",
IAMS Lunch Talk, IAMS Taipei (Taiwan), September 2015.
"Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics Using Dispersive Mirrors",
LPHYS’15, Shanghai (China), August 2015.
"New Applications of Autler-Townes splitting: From Pinpointing 229Thorium Nuclear Clock Transition to a Broadband Quantum Memory",
PhD seminar, NCKU (Taiwan), March 2015.
"From gravitational deflection to the storage of x-ray photons and beyond",
Seminar, NCKU (Taiwan), March 2015.
"The Frontiers of X-ray Quantum Optics",
Seminar, NCU (Taiwan), Jan 2015.
"Coherent Control of X-ray Photons and Nuclei",
CFEL Theory Seminar, CFEL (Germany), June 2014.
"Quantum Control of Nuclei",
Special AMO/QO Physics Seminar, IQSE Texas A&M (USA), January 2014.
"Quantum Control of X-Ray",
TAMU-PQE Follow-on Meeting 2014, IQSE Texas A&M (USA), January 2014.
"X-Ray Quantum Phase Control using Nuclear Polaritons",
PQE-2014, Snowbird Utah (USA), January 2014.
"Coherent Control of Nuclei and X-Rays",
Theory Seminar, Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (Germany), September 2013.
"Coherent control of single x-ray photons & Coherent determination of 229Th isomeric transition",
FNP 2013, Nizhny Novgorod (Russia), July 2013.
"Coherent Control of Nuclei and X-Rays",
Kaffeepalaver, Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics (Germany), July 2013.
"The Iron Cage for Single X-Ray Photons & The Quantum Trump to the Hidden Nuclear Clock transition",
AMO Physics Seminar, Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan), February 2013.
Contributed Presentations
"Transient nuclear inversion by X-Ray Free Electron Laser in a tapered x-ray waveguide"
2023 TPS annual meeting, NCKU (Taiwan), 17th January 2023.
"Hard x-ray spectral enhancement using Fano resonance",
2023 TPS annual meeting, NCKU (Taiwan), 16th January 2023.
"Synthetic Gauge Potentials for the Dark State Polaritons in Atomic Media"
14th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons, Vilnius (Lithuania), 28th June 2022.
"Controllable vacuum-Induced diffraction of matter-wave superradiance using an all-optical dispersive cavity",
PSROC spring meeting 2017, TKU (Taiwan), January 2017.​
"X-ray-generated heralded macroscopical quantum entanglement of two nuclear ensembles",
PSROC spring meeting 2017, TKU (Taiwan), January 2017.​
"All-electromagnetic control of broadband quantum excitations using gradient photon echoes (oral)",
DPG Frühjahrstagung, Heidelberg (Germany), March 2015.
"Auger-pumped superradiance at 108.9nm in xenon (oral)",
DPG Frühjahrstagung, Heidelberg (Germany), March 2015.
"The potential uses of x-ray FELs in nuclear studies (oral)",
FEL 2013, Manhattan (USA), August 2013.
"Coherent storage and phase modulation of single hard-x-ray photons (oral)",
DPG Frühjahrstagung, Hannover (Germany), March 2013.
"Determine the 229mThorium Energy via Electromagnetically Modified Nuclear Forward Scattering (poster)",
EMMI Workshop The 229mTh Nuclear Isomer Clock, GSI Darmstadt (Germany), September 2012.
"Coherent Manipulation of a single Hard X-Ray Photon (poster)",
ICAP 2012, Paris (France), July 2012.
"Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage in nuclear systems (oral)",
DPG Frühjahrstagung, Stuttgart (Germany), March 2012.
"Coherent Control and Collective Effects with Nuclei (poster)",
498. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef (Germany), February 2012.
"Nuclear coherent population transfer with x-ray laser pulses (poster)",
DPG Frühjahrstagung, Dressden (Germany), March 2011.
"Nuclear Coherent Population Transfer (oral)",
ELI-NP: The Way Ahead, Magurele (Romania), March 2011.
"Introduction to X-ray Quantum Optics",
AMO summer school 2022, Sun Moon Lake Teachers' Hostel (Taiwan), 8th September 2022.
"Introduction to X-ray Quantum Optics",
AMO winter school 2022, Heng-Chun City (Taiwan), 21st January 2022.
"Introduction to X-ray Quantum Optics",
Winter school on free electron lasers 2022, NSRRC (Taiwan), 18th January 2022.
"Fundamental of Quantum Physics",
2021 Summer School of Quantum Technology, online, 31st August 2021.
"Introduction to X-ray Quantum Optics",
Winter school on free electron lasers 2019, NSRRC (Taiwan), 15th January 2019.
"WHY & WHAT's Quantum Technology?",
Quantum Technology Workshop, NCU (Taiwan), June 2018.
"Introduction to NCU Physics department",
Physics department, NCU (Taiwan), March 2016.
"Physics in everyday life",
Fu Hsing Kang College, NDU (Taiwan), December 2015.
"Introduction to NCU Physics department",
Physics department, NCU (Taiwan), October 2015.
"Introduction to X-ray Quantum Optics",
AMO Summer School 2015, NTHU (Taiwan), August 2015.
"All-optical cavity using atomic mirrors",
AMO Summer School 2015, NTHU (Taiwan), August 2015.