NCU Quantum Optics
National Central University, Taiwan
In peer-reviewed journals
"Gravitationally sensitive structured x-ray optics using nuclear resonances"
S.-Y. Lee, S. Ahrens, Wen-Te Liao,
Phys. Rev. Research 7, 013158 (2025). [journal web] or [arXiv:2305.00613]
"Slow and stored light via electromagnetically induced transparency using a Λ-type superconducting artificial atom"
K.-I. Chu, X.-C. Lu, K.-H. Chiang, Y.-H. Lin, C.-D. Chen, I. A. Yu, Wen-Te Liao, Y.-F. Chen,
Phys. Rev. Research 7, L012015 (2025). [journal web]
"Spatially distributed PT symmetric refractive index using four-wave-mixing in a double-Lambda setup"
V. Kudriašov, Wen-Te Liao, G. Juzeliūnas, H. R. Hamedi,
Optics & Laser Technology 175, 110733 (2024). [journal web]
"Propagation effects of seeded collective emission by two-photon excited oxygen atoms"
X. Wang, Y.-H. Kuan, J. J. Cui, Y. K. Yang, F. X., Wen-Te Liao, L. Yuan, Y. Cheng, Z. Liao, Z. Li, and S. B. Zhang,
Phys. Rev. Research 5, 043293 (2023). [journal web]
"Synthetic gauge potentials for the dark state polaritons in atomic media"
Y.-H. Kuan, S.-Y. Lee, S.-W. Shao, W.-C. Chiang, I-K. Liu, J. Ruseckas, Gediminas Juzeliūnas, Yu-Ju Lin, Wen-Te Liao,
Phys. Rev. Research 5, L042029 (2023). [journal web] or [arXiv:2104.11031]
"Three-level Λ-type microwave memory via parametric-modulation-induced transparency in a superconducting quantum circuit"
K.-I Chu, Wen-Te Liao, and Y.-F. Chen,
Phys. Rev. Research 5, 033192 (2023). [journal web]
"Time-delayed magnetic control of x-ray spectral enhancement in two-target nuclear forward scattering"
P.-H. Lin, Y.-H. Kuan, Y.-Y. Fu, and Wen-Te Liao,
Phys. Rev. Applied 18, L051001 (2022). [journal web] or [arXiv:2010.10230]
"Transient nuclear inversion by X-Ray Free Electron Laser in a tapered x-ray waveguide"
Y.-H. Chen, P.-H. Lin, G.-Y. Wang, A. Pálffy, Wen-Te Liao,
Phys. Rev. Research 4, L032007 (2022). [journal web] or [arXiv:2104.09624]
"Increasing the decoherence rate of Rydberg polaritons due to accumulating dark Rydberg atoms"
K.-T. Chen, B. Kim, C.-C. Su, S.-S. Hsiao, S.-J. Huang, Wen-Te Liao, I. A. Yu,
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 023024 (2022). [journal web] or [arXiv:2110.06600]
"Ramsey interferometry through coherent A2Πu−X2Σ+g−B2Σ+u coupling and population transfer in N2+ air laser"
Z. Li, Y.-H. Kuan, X. Mu, Z. Miao, C. Wu, and Wen-Te Liao,
Opt. Lett. 45, 6587 (2020). [journal web] or [arXiv:2006.08200]
"Transition between amplified spontaneous emission and superfluorescence in a longitudinally pumped medium by an X-ray free electron laser pulse"
Y.-H. Kuan and Wen-Te Liao,
Phys. Rev. A 101, 023836 (2020). [journal web] or [arXiv:1911.00450]
"Nuclear quantum memory and time sequencing of a single γ photon"
X. Zhang, Wen-Te Liao, A. Kalachev, R. Shakhmuratov, Marlan Scully, Olga Kocharovskaya,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 250504 (2019). [journal web] or [arXiv:1812.11441]
"Collective effects in 229Th-doped crystals"
B. S. Nickerson, Wen-Te Liao, and A. Pálffy,
Phys. Rev. A 98, 062520 (2018). [journal web] or [arXiv:1809.01857]
"Generation of short hard-X-ray pulses of tailored duration using a Mössbauer source"
G.-Y. Wang and Wen-Te Liao,
Phys. Rev. Applied 10, 014003 (2018). [journal web] or [arXiv:1711.08302]
"Setting a disordered password on a photonic memory"
S.-W. Su, S.-C. Gou, L. Y. Chew, Y.-Y. Chang, I. A. Yu, A. Kalachev, and Wen-Te Liao,
Phys. Rev. A (Rapid Communication) 95, 061805(R) (2017). [journal web] or [arXiv:1611.00136]
"Optomechanically induced transparency of x-rays via optical control"
Wen-Te Liao and A. Pálffy,
Sci. Rep. 7, 321 (2017). [journal web]
"Controllable vacuum-induced diffraction of matter-wave superradiance using an all-optical dispersive cavity"
S.-W. Su, Z.-K. Lu, S.-C. Gou and Wen-Te Liao,
Sci. Rep. 6, 35402 (2016). [journal web]
"X-ray-generated heralded macroscopical quantum entanglement of two nuclear ensembles"
Wen-Te Liao, C. H. Keitel and A. Pálffy,
Sci. Rep. 6, 33361 (2016). [journal web]
"Gravitational and Relativistic Deflection of X-Ray Superradiance"
Wen-Te Liao and S. Ahrens,
Nature Photon. 9, 169 (2015). [journal web] or [arXiv:1411.7634]
"All-Electromagnetic Control of Broadband Quantum Excitations Using Gradient Photon Echoes"
Wen-Te Liao, C. H. Keitel and A. Pálffy,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 123602 (2014). [journal web] or [arXiv:1404.6140]
"Proposed Entanglement of X-ray Nuclear Polaritons as a Potential Method for Probing Matter at the Subatomic Scale"
Wen-Te Liao and A. Pálffy,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 057401 (2014). [journal web] or [arXiv:1308.3121]
"Field Control of Single X-ray Photons in Nuclear Forward Scattering"
X. Kong, Wen-Te Liao and A. Pálffy,
New J. Phys. 16, 013049 (2014). [journal web] or [arXiv:1310.6235]
"Three-beam Setup for Coherently Controlling Nuclear-state Population"
Wen-Te Liao, A. Pálffy and C. H. Keitel,
Phys. Rev. C 87, 054609 (2013). [journal web] or [arXiv:1302.3063]
"Coherence Enhanced Optical Determination of the 229Th Isomeric Transition"
Wen-Te Liao, S. Das, C. H. Keitel and A. Pálffy,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 262502 (2012). [journal web] or [arXiv:1210.3611]
"Coherent Storage and Phase Modulation of Single Hard-X-Ray Photons Using Nuclear Excitons"
Wen-Te Liao, A. Pálffy and C. H. Keitel,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 197403 (2012). [journal web] or [arXiv:1205.5503]
"Nuclear Coherent Population Transfer with X-ray Laser Pulses"
Wen-Te Liao, A. Pálffy and C. H. Keitel,
Phys. Lett. B 705, 134 (2011). [journal web] or [arXiv:1011.4423]
"Stationary Light Pulses in Cold Atomic Media and without Bragg Gratings"
Y.-W. Lin, Wen-Te Liao, T. Peters, H.-C. Chou, J.-S. Wang, H.-W. Cho, P.-C. Kuan, and Ite A. Yu,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 213601 (2009). [journal web] or [arXiv:0810.0903] and [arXiv:0811.2830]
"Propagation, Broadening, and Energy Decay of Quasi-stationary Light Pulses in Thermal Atoms"
Wen-Te Liao, T. Peters, E.-C. Shen, and Ite A. Yu,
Chinese J. Phys 47 No. 6, 817 (2009). [journal web]
"Low-light-level All-optical Switching Based on Stored Light Pulse"
W.-H. Lin, Wen-Te Liao, C.-Y. Wang, Y.-F. Lee, and Ite A. Yu,
Phys. Rev. A 78, 033807 (2008). [journal web]
Submitted Manuscript
"Spectral control over γ-ray echo using a nuclear frequency comb system"
C.-J. Yeh, P.-H. Lin, X. Zhang, Olga Kocharovskaya, Wen-Te Liao,
"Scientific Opportunities with an X-ray Free-Electron Laser Oscillator"
B. Adams et al. (50 authors),
submitted (2019). [arXiv:1903.09317]
Wen-Te Liao, Coherent Control of Nuclei and X-Rays (ISBN 978-3-319-02119-5, Springer, 2013).
Magazine Article
The past and the perspective of X-ray Quantum Optics (X光量子光學的繼往與開來),
Wen-Te Liao,
TPS bimonthly magazine 40, 5 (2018). [magazine web]